Thursday, July 23, 2009

The NEW Do You Have a Flag? is up and running!

Do You Have a Flag? is now now officially running on WordPress! I’m still going to be tweaking things a lot over the next month or so, but the basic site is now up and running. The web address is still, but the RSS feed has changed to the following: feed://

I hope you’ll re-subscribe in your google reader, or whatever it is you use! This site (my original baby) will not be taken down (at least not for awhile) so feel free to visit for old posts.

Be sure to follow me on Twitter (if you use such things) to get the most up to date news on the site, movies, tv and whatever else I feel is deemed “tweetable.” Once again, thanks for your support readers, and I hope you’ll like the new digs! Welcome to the new Do You Have a Flag?!

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