never done this before, but it's the year for trying new things.
let us start with the obvious. our new president-elect is Barack Hussein Obama. can i get a woot woot? now my only hope is that the media doesn't over-analyze and criticize his every move (i.e. coverage of his first press conference) before he even makes it into office. but since there's no hope of that, let's just continue to do our part. we may have helped him win the election with our votes, but the responsibility doesn't end there. we need to find ways to get involved in our government again before our generation gets completely written off as the laziest ever. we need to be vocal about the issues through the mass of outlets we have available, like facebook. it may seem silly, but the obama campaign really utilized the internet to get his message out to our generation. it's through these websites that we may continue to be heard. i say may because now that the campaign is over, i hope they still think our voices matter (which they do).
Prop 8: the demon proposition from hell! well my aunt and uncle from cali are deeply saddened by this, and so are a lot of people all around the country. voting this down would have been a huge step forward for gay rights, and instead, on the historic morning of our first black president being elected into office, our country took a huge step back. unfortunately, it's not completely surprising, but it is hugely disappointing. i know what the arguments are against gay marriage; marriage is about procreation, marriage is about stable family life (right, and that's why the divorce rate is so high...), just because they can't get married doesn't mean they can't have equal rights. OK- i think some people may need a refresher on what equality means. it doesn't mean equality in moderation or in certain circumstances, and it doesn't mean equality, but not when it makes us uncomfortable. equality means sameness and uniformity for EVERYONE. if two people want to share their life together, they should have the right and it should be recognized. stability or instability of a marriage should have nothing to do with the right to get married. a person's orientation should have nothing to do with their legal rights, just as their gender, race, or religious beliefs should have nothing to do with their legal rights. i could go on for a lot longer about this, but suffice it to say, i'm angry. i hope others are too, and i'm trying to do what i can and therefore donating to the no on prop 8 campaign. it's never too late and they can use our help to keep the fight alive.
that's all the political jargon i got for now. that, and this: the days of bush are coming to a close. take a moment to look back over the last 8 years. it's pretty scary, but it's almost over.
now, down to the real business at hand, MOVIES!
here is my movies to watch list for the coming months:
- November 7 - Boy in the Striped Pajamas
- November 12 - Slumdog Millionaire (new danny boyle movie starring anwar from skins!)
- November 14 - Quantum of Solace (bond is back, and he's never looked better. daniel craig is quoted as having said now that obama won the election, he thinks the world is ready for a black bond)
- November 19 - Special (really great idea, and i like michael rapaport)
- November 21 - Twilight (going to boston on opening night so i can see this with aleena, [we made a pact] so yeah, i'm that girl)
- November 21 - Were the World Mine (if you wanna tell prop 8 to go to hell, see this movie)
- November 21 - The Soloist
- November 26 - Australia (new baz luhrmann epic, got to hit it up)
- November 26 - Milk (also timely in its release. i wish everyone who voted for prop 8 would see it. sean penn/james franco = hot)
- December 5 - Frost/Nixon (it's not getting the best reviews unfortunately, but i love michael sheen)
- December 10 - Wendy and Lucy (michelle williams has a dog and doesn't wash her hair for months. it looks great)
- December 12 - The Day the Earth Stood Still (i'm not sure if i actually want to see this yet because keanu is in it. but i'd be lying if i said i wasn't intrigued)
- December 12 - Doubt (best casting ever. oscar noms abound i'm sure)
- December 12 - The Reader (kate winslet as an ex-nazi involved in a may/december romance. yeah, i'm psyched)
- December 17 - The Wrestler (mickey rourke's triumphant return, playing practically himself. there's a great article about him in last week's issue of EW)
- December 25 - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (probably the movie i'm most excited for this holiday season. i think it looks phenomenal from the trailer. i still can't believe they were able to pull off the backwards aging process believably)
- December 25 - The Spirit (i probably won't get to this one in theaters, but it looks like comic campy fun)
- December 26 - Revolutionary Road (leonardo dicaprio and kate winslet reunite for dysfunctional romance, YES!)
- December 26 - Valkyrie (andrew and i saw the trailer for this the other night. tom cruise [with an eye patch] looks up and says "we have to kill hitler." we're both bad people because we laughed at this... a lot)
- December 31 - Good (another movie about the nazi's, but this one has viggo mortensen in it)
that's the list for now. seeing as movies around here currently cost $10.75 (gross), i probably won't get to see a lot of these in theaters, but the definites are twilight, milk, doubt, the curious case of benjamin button, and revolutionary road. barack, do you think you can do something about lowering movie prices? seriously, if there's one place where we need change...
other things: iCI gave me a creative project to do this coming week, so i'm really excited about that. gossip girl season 2 is blowing my mind with it's awesomeness and surfing for spoilers has become a new hobby. i've started drawing again, it's a slow and steady process. most of it's crap right now that i'm not showing anyone, but i'm having fun with it. i've downloaded the soundtracks to the mission, atonement, and high school musical 3. i'm reading chuck dugan is AWOL and mediations in an emergency. next up i'm deciding between the meaning of night , water for elephants, and Oil! i'm trying to learn how to crochet in time for christmas because i found this book and i thought they would make good presents. i might fail miserably though, in which case you will all be getting gift cards to target, cause that store is awesome. but if they come out really well then i will sell them on etsy where no one will buy them.
that's all i got for now, but i'll leave you with a few of my fav obama photos (at the top, cause i can't figure out how to put them on the bottom) by doug mills.
Hey! I skimmed your movie list, and I have to say that I saw the stage rendition of "Doubt" and it was amaaaaaazing... Meryl Streep looks like she's going to be phenomenaaaaal from the trailer! I have a feeling it works better as a play (there are only meant to be 4 people in the whole cast, and it made it very cool) but I want to see the movie too because it looks great!
ReplyDeleteoooh i'm so jealous you got to see the play! i think the movie version is going to be pretty badass, but we'll see. i'm going to try and put movie reviews up here, so check back!