The new Watchmen trailer was released on Friday, and it looks pretty damn good.
They did an excellent job choosing music for the first teaser, Smashing Pumpkin's The Beginning is the End is the Beginning. Now they have gone with Muse's, Take a Bow, which, if you listen to the lyrics is very fitting. My biggest concern now is that the trailers might be better than the movie, perfect little consolidated versions of what could potentially be a full length disaster. The graphic novel of Watchmen, written by Alan Moore and illustrated by Dave Gibbons, is regarded as the epic leader of its genre. It has inspired every graphic novel written since its release and continues to wow new readers every day. Watchmen's ability to not let the character's costumes get in way of the storytelling allowed for this graphic novel to accomplish something rare; it felt like reality.
Due to decades of adoration and praise for Watchmen the novel, it's no surprise that the reclusive Alan Moore wanted nothing to do with its big screen adaptation. Moore feels that Hollywood is largely responsible for a dying lack of imagination in people, and has made it explicitly clear that he wants NOTHING to do with any of the movies derived from his stories. This begs the question, why sign off on the movies at all? I don't know if Moore gets a cut of the film's profits, but I somehow doubt it given that if it got out to the press, he'd really look like a hack. But maybe Moore does get a kick out of seeing just how badly his source material can be screwed up... No matter the reason, he's given his rights away for Watchmen the film, and has done so before with his other novels (i.e. V for Vendetta).
Watchmen director Zack Snyder (300), has a lot riding on his shoulders, and if he screws this up, fans will be calling for his head. But whether you plan on seeing Watchmen in theaters or not, you'll certainly be hearing about it come March, so get prepared (and wear a hat in case Alan Moore tries to spit venom on you).
Soon I'm going to try and post the first revival review, but I'm not going to tell you what it is... so you'll just have to check back to find out.
and now for something ridiculously fun: Justin Timberlake does SNL in two minutes
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