Monday, February 16, 2009

I have a crush on you, is that ok?

Back from Boston, and I have to thank Brian (don't know your last name) for providing the post title. You made my Valentine's day entertaining to say the least. And please, never try to lick any girl you just met, ever again. 

While away I experienced many things, none of which for the first time. I was stuck on a broken down Amtrak train, I saw a really bad movie, and I nearly died in a cab. But, on the plus side, I was with my college besties and had a rockin' time!! Missing Boston already (but not the T, silly green line).

But now I'm back, and as you can see by the barrage of trailers below, I am making up for my short absence. Check these out, and report back with your thoughts. I picked each of these specifically because I'm on the fence on each of them. Let's call this, Hit or Miss? (how unoriginal). 

Mermaid - Could definitely be interesting, but as with most foreign trailers, it's hard to decipher what the hell it's about. I'm diggin' the green hair and the magical powers, but did anyone else think that the girl looked way to young to be making out with that guy? If it's at all like Amelie though, I'm sure I'll like it. So hit or Miss?

I Love You, Man - The ultimate Bromance (following Pineapple Express that is), seems like it couldn't be coming at a more perfect time. Bromance is nothing new in terms of movie plots, but now that it has a name, it feels like falling in love all over again. This looks pretty great to me. Paul Rudd & Jason Segel, how can you go wrong? BUT, it could be that the trailer is a compilation of all the movie's funniest moments... I hate when they do that. But, I have my fingers crossed for this one. It's about time that bro flicks came out in the open. Hit or Miss?

500 Days of Summer - If you manage to overlook the fact that they say "500 Days of Summer" a billion times of the trailer, you'll find that the movie itself looks like it could be pretty good, great in fact. So far, this has been one of the most talked about screenings from Sundance (or so I hear), but will it live up to the hype? I am all for the Joseph Gordon-Levitt/Zooey Deschanel team up, but check out Paul Moore's (SpoutBlog), reasons for why he walked out on it. However I end up feeling about it, this one is on my must see list. Hit or Miss?

The Informers - So the trailer looks pretty bad to me, however it is yet another film adaptation of a Bret Easton Ellis novel, which means the writing/story could make up for some bad casting decisions. I legit have no idea what to think about this movie yet, except that I won't see it in theaters, it's a clear netflixable. But maybe I'm missing something? Maybe Mickey Rourke will bring some of his comeback glory to the film and pump it full of steroids, maybe... But probably not. Hit or Miss?

Franklyn - Frankly, I don't care if this movie is going to have a cheesy, non-sensical plot, I really want to see it. First off, Ryan Phillipe as some kind of ghoulish superhero? Heck yeah! And Control's gorgeous Sam Riley (you also might have seen him in Burberry ads) with the insanely hypnotic Eva Green. Double heck yeah! The trailer narration is pretty much ripping off Sin City, which I am sure didn't invent the concept of intense narration, but they are very similar nonetheless. This could end up having something in visually in common with 1998's Dark City, but it's too early to tell yet. Hit or Miss?

Also, this amazing slideshow was put up by awhile ago, but I never got around to posting it. Check out "A Look at Sundance." 

My review of Confessions of a Shopaholic is coming soon, and it won't be pretty. Also coming soon is a little game I like to call, "Plot Puzzle." Check back!


  1. I saw The Informers at Sundance, it is HORRIBLE. 500 Days of Summer was good though. And I can't wait for I Love You, Man, because I love Paul Rudd. If you haven't seen it, watch The Shape of Things, it's amazing.

    And about Kate in ESSM, I thought she was incredible, and I'm annoyed she didn't get a nomination. Although they did release it in February, so they weren't really going for awards.

  2. I knew Informers was going to be terrible, I KNEW IT! Not that it's hard to tell... And I have seen the Shape of Things, love Paul Rudd/Rachel Weisz in that. Fred Weller is pretty hilarious too.
