First let me say, I'm amazed I'm even posting right now because my eyes have literally felt like they were melting out of sockets all day, caused by intensive computer research for work... but it seems after a nap and dinner out I'm back on track (I hope). Also, if you live in the Pleasantville area, and happened to see me fall on Manville, IT IS BECAUSE I WAS BLOWN OVER! Not because I tripped or anything embarrassing like that... the wind was insane.
Anyway, moving on!
- If you haven't checked out Google's newest version of Picasa, do so NOW! It's pretty cool and allowed for me to make the above collage of Vanity Fair Hitchcock portraits in about 2 seconds (yeah I know it's kind of lame looking, but I'm sure if I spent more time, it could have been much awesomer [and yes, awesomer is a word... that I use]).
- Here's my sum up of tonight's Office ep...SPOILER ALERT...Angela licks a cat, Kell(e)y gets to choose between an hour of television or an hour of napping for her birthday, Holly still loves Michael, Dwight can't blow up balloons, and Pam is AMAZING with chainsaw noises! The end result: one of my favorite eps this season so far.
- I'm trying out some new things with the blog. On the right side, I've added an alphabetical listing of my reviews with links, but only the full ones. Hopefully this will make the reviews easier to navigate. I'm also trying out the stretch template, which should make the line length easier to read. Yesterday I applied to join LAMB (Large Association of Movie Blogs), and should hopefully be a member soon. Bahhhd ass... yeah that was lame, sorry. And below is a pic of the new blog cards!
- Lastly, if you're looking for the perfect e-card to send to your valentine then look no further! Created by Illustrator Mark Grambau (hi Mark!). Penguins have never looked so cute!
Thanks for the link, Ives! I'm still reading every post. Keep up the great work!