If you know what this post title means, then you also know that Gossip Girl is back! Is it better than ever? No, not really, but is it passable and still fun to watch... you bet your ass...SPOILER ALERT... Tonight's ep featured a once again desperate Blair making a deal with the devil, aka Nate's Grandfather. One good thing to come out of Blair's distraught state is a much needed Chuck/Nate meeting, no matter how short. If talking to N about B is what will bring B and C back together again, then bring it on. And while part of me is completely psyched to see Jenny finally becoming her own person and screwing up on a less frequent/gigantic scale... another part of me secretly longs for Jenny the f*** up. I can't say why. I won't even go into Serena's ridiculous storyline, suffice it to say her new beau looks demented, as did her last one who wasn't Dan. Girl's got to get some taste.

condition:human Episode 2 from condition:human on Vimeo.


The trailer for Paper Heart is now online, courtesy of Apple Trailers.
I'm not sure what to say about it except that Michael Cera finally got the role he's been attempting to play all his life... himself. It's not quite a documentary, but it's as close as you can come to one without calling it that. Charlyne Yi, Cera's real life girlfriend goes on a road trip complete with director and camera to discover the truth about love, the one thing she doesn't understand. I'm partly interested, and partly completely turned off. I can't decide if the movie is trying too hard, or just bluntly honest.
To err on the side of caution I'll go with "trying too hard," but I'm ready to be proved wrong.
Rain, Rain, Go Away. Summer kick Rain's Ass and Stay

On this rainy Monday morning, I spent a good deal of time trying to imagine myself of a warm, sunny island. Just then, I thought, "hmm I should make a list of all the fabulouso summer movies coming to a theater near you." Only problem was a gaggle of other sites beat me too it, and not surprisingly did a far superior job than I would have done. So here are a couple of links to the summer film rundown. More to come I'm sure.

condition:human Episode 2 from condition:human on Vimeo.
Condition:Human wobbles in it's second ep, but I'm still intrigued. Like the first episode, I feel sucked in by the graphics and the story, but remain laughably unsure of the acting. It's clear that creator Trenton Lepp is talented (and hopefully has a long bright future ahead), but the guy needs better people onscreen. So actors if you're listening, team up with this guy, and help make him the best director he can be! However, I do have to say that I like Kasey Ryne Mazak as Takumi Kenji and Leah Tassey as Kyoko very much. I exclude them from the "bad actor" category.
"Hey cloud, has anyone ever told you, you look like a combo between a nipple and a condom?

Fluffy clouds and a stork, perfecto! Looking forward to Pixar's Partly Cloudy short even more than the actual feature now. Seriously do you see these colors, gorgeous!
Hulu on iPhone, is anyone surprised?

It hasn't actually become a reality yet, but it's likely to soon, especially given Hulu's recent ads (starring the likes of Alec Baldwin and Seth MacFarlane), which state their purpose of taking over the earth. Isn't the iPhone the best place to start? Here's hoping they can bring us the best iPhone vid quality yet...
Every Angle of Zooey Deschanel's Face

Check out the poster for 500 Days of Summer. Get lost in Zooey. I know the reviews are mixed on the poster, but I dig it. I'm just a photo collage fan I guess.

I'm sorry, but this guy is just way to old and out of shape to play Robin Hood. Hate me if you must but I am really not looking forward to this movie... unless you can give me 5 reasons why I should. Go.
Who else is excited to watch...

Life After People on the History Channel?
Doesn't it look amazing? terrifying, but amazing. Very I am Legend, of which I have yet to see the Will Smith Re-make.
Ummm...here's 5 reasons to see the new Robin Hood:
ReplyDelete1. Ridley Scott
2. Mideval period setting
3. Russell "Machismo" Crowe
4. Cate "Eternally Beautiful" Blanchett
5. Ridley Scott
not so fast actionman... using Ridley twice is against the rules. I'm awaiting a fifth reason.
ReplyDeleteI saw Paper Hearts at Sundance (I didn't want too, but my friends were going), and I was pleasantly surprised. If you don't have high expectations, you'll really enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteThat Robin Hood thing is just wrong. Ridley Scott has peaked. (Yes, now I AM running for cover Actionman.)
ReplyDeleteThe new I Am Legend was.... alright. The first hour was one of the best movies of that year, but the last 45 mins felt like someone phoned in this treatment from a cel phone with bad reception while they were snorting Ritalin. It totally betrayed the book and it didn't need to...