Wolverine got out of his cage...

The biggest story has to be the freakin X-Men Origins leak. It seems no one can escape the horrible travesty that is this unplanned early release. And silly me, here I was thinking the earthquake in Italy was big news. But seriously, for all the hard work, time, and money that goes into making a big budget film, I feel their pain. It must really blow to have a thousands of people see an unfinished product, most of whom will likely now opt not to go out and spend $10.75 to watch the slightly altered version on the big screen. Also, no I have not seen the leak, and it's not because I don't want to. Mostly I just can't find it! And I also would feel a little guilty. In any event it leaked. That's the news.
Don't Judge

Not counting Idiocracy, Extract is the first movie directed by Mike Judge since Office Space in '99. Now the question is, do people still care about Mike Judge? Was he just a one hit wonder? Extract appears to follow Office Space like constraints, placing the lead character played by Jason Bateman in an office of sorts, coming to terms with life's dead ends, and falling in "like" with an attractive inferior, played by Mila Kunis. Most importantly Kristen "shes in everything" Wiig and Ben "I'm not a leading man anymore" Affleck, are in it. Super.

Tuesday DVD Rundown
(for Full listing go here)
Short Pants

I have to say, I do not understand Robert Rodriguez. He does From Dusk Till Dawn and The Faculty, then Spy Kids. He does Sin City and Planet Terror, then this, Shorts. I'm thinking the next order will be Sin City 2, another movie about Rose McGowan as a hooker, and then the film adaptation of adapatation of "Everyone Poops." oh wait... looks like Spike Jonze beat him to it.
Michael Cera fights with his Heart

No this isn't about Paper Heart. This is just to show you how excited I am for Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. Edgar Wright, we could be happy together. You me and the dogs, Simon and Nick.
Check out the cast... I mean seriously, amazing!
Linkin' on up to the East Side

J.D. over at Valley Dreamin posted some fabulous screen shots of Control a few days back. If you remember I mentioned Control and it's lead Sam Riley not that long ago as my first Break Out of the week! Nice to know there are others out there.
Also shout out to the Cinefille who openly admitted she watches The Hills, cause... so do I. If you stop reading now I wouldn't blame you.

Another good find by Super Punch. If the Joker could ever be adorable, this is it.
And check out Blake's Review of Sunshine Cleaning, cause it's bitchin' and I can't seem to get my act together to write mine.
It was only a matter of time...

Oh Thora... First Dungeons and Dragons and now this? For shame.
Tricky Basterds

Did anyone else look at the Inglorious Basterds portrait quickly and think, "I didn't know Evan Rachel Wood was in this?!"
She's not.
(for the rest of the shots head here)

Michael Caine, a Man among Boys
So I got to hear British pearls of wisdom drip forth from the man himself live and in color this past Sunday. He's been in well over 100 films, but as he said "only the last 50 or so were memorable." He spoke about how he's on a tour to collect as many Lifetime Achievement awards a possible, and he gets away with it by continuing to make movies. He even said (when prompted) working with Steven Segal in 1994 was quite a mistake. He mentioned that he uses the Stanislavsky (sp?) method of acting, using sense memory. He talked about how they keep seeming to write parts for older men (certainly that doesn't go for both sexes). He was so "Michael Cainish" it was almost too good to be true.
Damn I love that man.
A Podcast?
I hadn't thought about it before, but I suppose it could be a logical next step? So sometime soon my Friend Andrew and I are going to take a stab at the first ever Do You Have a Flag? podcast, thanks to all your comments and tweets supporting the idea! I hope you'll all tune in and give honest, even brutal feedback. In the meantime tell me what you would like to hear. I may not talk about it, but we'll see.
And be assured this will in no way replace or take over the blog. It's just an experiment. And Andrew's pretty funny, I think you'll find him entertaining.
Shorts= Gross.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to the man who was going to do Sin City 1, 2 and 3 back to back?
Rose McGowan ate him. :(
no I think Rose McGowan just screwed him till he promised never to work with Salma Hayek again.