Jon Bovi SNL
I can't be the only one who loves Jon Bovi right?
Who needs therapy when you have the great outdoors?

Chances are today you've seen Willem Dafoe's ass. Why? Because today's the day Lars von Trier's Antichrist trailer premiered. The cast consists of Dafoe, Charlotte Gainsbourg and an ark full of animals. And to be honest, watching it made me crawl under my covers and never come out. I don't know how I'll make it through the movie... Everybody's favorite adjective to describe it seems to be creepy, but I'm going to with sinister and shuddersome because they sound better.
Come back, come back!

In most cases, especially one such as this, Ausiello's word is as good as gold. This isn't the first time I wished he was wrong, but we all know in guts that's he right. Sarah Connor Chronicles. Time of Death, 4:07pm. Official Time of Death, May 18th 2009.
Peace be with you. And also with you.

Tuesday DVD Release Rundown
(For full list go here)

Efronious is set to take on 11 year old Jonny Quest (who'll they'll be skewing older obviously)... Sure it makes sense, but is it exciting? I swear between all the slated cartoon comic remakes and franchises set to release and on the books, it feels like Hollywood is just drawing one big blank.
But with that said Efron is likely better suited to this role than most. So if it has to get made, casting's got my approval.
Isn't this a conflict of interest?

If you play a werewolf in one vampire franchise, isn't unethical to play a blood sucker in another? Seriously Michael Sheen, how do we know you won't suddenly turn and sympathize with the wolfy ones?

But for real word on the street is that Sheen will be playing head Vampire, Aros, in Twilight's New Moon. The man is addicted to playing the same parts over and over and over. but I'm not one to complain.
Pebble in your shoe
A Huge thanks to one of my new fav blogs, The Playlist, for alerting me to Ryan Gosling's enormously enjoyable 2 man band. Especially this video, "Name in Stone." Now not only can I enjoy one of the best actors onscreen, but I can also listen to his soothing voice as he serenades me to sleep. It's like falling in love all over again.
Anyways be sure to check out The Playlist. They're great.
Double Feature!

Ever had a rainy day where you thought, man, I wish I had a convenient way of searching to see what 2 movies were playing successively in my local theaters to make the perfect double feature? Well problem solved. You can thank me later.
On a totally separate note, SpoutBlog rattles off "10 Likable Tax Agents." Where can I find me a Harold Crick? (Yeah, I'm one of the people that secretly loved Stranger than Fiction.)
Seasonal Wake-Up

"Please make this into a movie! Please make this into a movie! I'll be good every day for a month. I'll clean my room, make my bed, walk the imaginary dog!"
(/film Twitter bird whispers in my ear)
"Oh really? It's taken care of? Awesome."
Ok, it's not exactly taken care of, but it's on the books.
Thank Goodness for Twitch

Just watch the trailers and feel happy inside!
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