Well it's official, if Zack Snyder was endeavoring to have as much press cover his new film Sucker Punch as covered Watchmen, he's well on his way. Here's just a sampling at people's attempts to cover the casting stories with wit:
So yeah, like I said, one more pun, and some bitches gonna pay.

But in any event, it was announced today that Emily Browning, better known as "Violet, you better tie your hair up" from Lemony Snicket, will be taking over the lead role of "Baby Doll" from Amanda Seyfried. I'm pretty excited for this casting call. I think it was obvious to everyone who saw Snicket, that Browning was destined for bigger things. She's got an unusual look, decent talent, and hails from Australia, so her and Hollywood were pretty much fated. I don't know much about Sucker Punch, except that it's slated to feature a lot of young ladies... I just hope that doesn't include currently listed Vanessa Hudgens. Is it mean if I say that girl needs to stick to High School Musical where she belongs?
Toys for you inner cinematic delinquent
Speaking of Sucker Punch, I recently discovered an awesome blog called, Super Punch, which features fun toys, awesome posters and other general insanity. In just the last few days they've posted two things I must absolutely get my hands on...

and this...

Super Punch is super awesome, so check it out.
The Green Goblin Bares All

In honor of the racy new Antichrist photo released, you know the one I'm talking about... Nathaniel at The Film Experience has posted a lovely summary of all the places Mr. Dafoe's derriere has been. It's more than you think.
I have to agree with a lot of the talk going around and say that from this picture alone, the film looks stylistically very similar to Aronofsky's The Fountain. Except that film had one entirely awesome bathtub scene, and this just has sex in the woods... on what looks like a very uncomfortable tree. Poor Charlotte.
Danny Deckchair flies with the best of them...

Can you believe this crazy mofo has joined up with the cast of HP? I can. To mend his broken heart (courtesy of Sienna Miller), Rhys Ifans has come aboard British supercomputer, Harry Potter, as what fans can only assume will be Xenophilius Lovegood, father to Looney, excuse me, "Luna" Lovegood.
They do have that look of insanity in common, so I'm sure they would make for a lovely father/daughter combo.
Ifans is a great, truly underrated actor, who's been making us laugh since Notting Hill (the only thing funny/entertaining about that film). You'll also be seeing him in The Boat The Rocked, scheduled to release ever so soon (August 28).

Meeting The Man Himself
Soon I will be able to add the great Michael Caine to the list of my celebrity meet and greets. Caine will be coming to the Burns, this coming Sunday with his new film, Is Anybody There?, along with director John Crowley. The film follows 10 year old Edward, who befriends an aging magician in the retirement home his parents run. Edward will be played by Bill Milner, who gained some notice for the small indie film, Son of Rambow.
I get to meet the original Alfie/the new Alfred! I might just faint.
Andy Hallett and Maurice Jarre
Actor Andy Hallett, best known as Lorne on Angel, died at age 33 of heart failure. He'll always be remembered as the mean, green, singing machine, and he'll be missed by the Whedon-verse.

Legendary composer Maurice Jarre lost his battle with cancer at age 84. He's written music for 150 films, and for some of the most well known directors of our time, including Hitchcock. He won three oscars for Doctor Zhivago, Lawrence of Arabia, and Passage to India. Below is a compilation of some of his greatest hits.
nice post. good luck with caine! not sure how i feel about sucker punch, i dont honestly have a great idea of what it's actually about... time will tell.
ReplyDeleteYeah agreed. And thanks! I will report back on Caine!