So here's the big news: I am totally going to be revamping PLOT PUZZLE. I realized that people just weren't into the whole "writing their own plots" idea, and are looking for something faster, and with a clearer winner. I hear ya' and I actually agree. The next PLOT PUZZLE (which will go up tomorrow) is going to be a nice simple, "guess that movie." I'll be taking stills from 1 film, collaging them together, and leaving it to you readers to guess what the film is.
But it won't be as easy as it sounds, I promise you. There won't be any "obvious" screenshots, so be prepared to get your thinking caps on (I think the last time I heard that phrase was in second grade). So this time, the only thing you'll need to do is guess the answer, and you're done! I'll still be giving you two weeks to send in your guesses, and there will be a link in the side bar again. More deets tomorrow!
John Weir!
John's hilarious response to the first PLOT PUZZLE challenge kept me laughing for a good couple of minutes, and was by far the most outlandish/hilarious/creative of the group. Well done John!
John's Plot: A sequel to Dave Chappelle's Block Party goes horribly wrong when Maggie Gyllenhaal shows up with her fleet of zombie lovers. Quest Love and Mos Def join up with Hollywood rager Christian Bale, to fend off hordes of hip hop loving zombies. Special guest: Alec Baldwin. Highlight: Kanye West getting his heart ripped out and eaten while performing "Heartless."
First Runner-Up goes to Mark Grambau for his mythical sea creature featured plot!
Mark's Plot: High class hooker and con artist, Elaine (Maggie Gyllenhaal) has Leonard (Christian Bale) right where she wants him. Poised to make off with millions of the marine-turned banking executive's dollars, she is suddenly confronted by the demons of her past... literally. When Elaine was a child, she was possessed by the deranged soul of a mythical sea creature. Now her exorcism is wearing off. and she must fight to contain the beast within her. Now it seems it's up to Leonard to save the woman who was only after his fortune. Will he free her in time, or will Poseidon's feral beast consume her forever?
Thanks so much to everyone who participated in the first PLOT PUZZLE! And I hope you'll check back tomorrow for a totally new, totally revamped PLOT PUZZLE 2!